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End of season 2020
назад к списку новостей »The 17th week and the 22nd kite safari in 2020 has ended!
Kitesafari.pro was the first ho start the season at this difficult time for travelings. If the first eight weeks the whole world watched us with envy, not daring to start the season, but we were left alone on all the islands. The last weeks turned out to be intense, with 6-10 yachts sailing in late October and early November. It was not easy to create an atmosphere of privacy at sea. The rich experience of conducting kite safari, more than 12 years and more than 200 weeks at sea, helped to find the most drained and remote islands. We were kiting almost all days with the wind and no traffic!
We are preparing for the new dates December 5-12, December 26 - January 02 and January 2-9.