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New places for Kite and Wave spots


Kitesafari.pro is leading again! This time we were able to hold kite safari on wild beaches of Saudi Arabia! We were first who could kite on these beaches! But the main thing of our last kite safari (right before Russian Wave) is that we could find new wave spots! They are situated between Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It is a wind wave and it all depends of how strong the wind is. It starts from 10 meters per second. For the last week we had 3 days with wind more than 15 m per second and swell more than 2 m high, nothing compares to Mauritius of course. BUT IT DOES EXIST! We knew about this for the long time ago as we had wave spots in El Tour and Dahab! Now we could find a wave spot just opposite in Sharm el Sheih ! From now on we will be arranging kite safari to wave spots very often!  ( only for advanced riders, who сan kite with confidence and tried themself with surf board. As I promised now we are closer and closer to ocean waves!)

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